Terms of use
Copyright – Conditions for the use of the material published
Unless stated otherwise, all the material present on the website – including all graphic interfaces and images not already protected by copyright – belongs to and is the copyright of Block nutrition srl.
Website page contents are reserved so may not – either in full or partially – be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without the company’s prior written consent. However, you may store it in your computer or print extracts for personal use. Any violation will be prosecuted, without prior notice, taking legal action in compliance with laws in force. Quotes may be used for report, criticism or review purposes as long as they are accompanied by the author’s name, the source and the website address. Contents in the Block nutrition srl website – which may be modified, if needed, at any time without prior notice – have been drawn up with maximum care and diligence and are controlled carefully before being published. However, the company declines all and any responsibility towards users and other third parties for any delays, inaccuracies, errors, omissions arising from those contents. We would much appreciate being informed of any errors or inaccuracies found. More generally, unless prescribed otherwise by the laws in force, Block nutrition srl may not be held responsible for damage of any kind caused – directly or indirectly – by accessing the website, by being unable to or finding it impossible to access the website, by trusting in the truth of information contained in it or by using it. We would hereby like to point out that the information on the Block nutrition srl website could only concern the Italian market.
Link disclaimer
With no request for authorisation, links from other websites to the first page of the www.blocknutrition.it” website or to its inner pages (so-called deep linking) are allowed. However, notification is appreciated when such linking is performed.
Block nutrition srl reserves the right to remove those links to its website if connected to websites whose content is obscene or indecent, illegal or offensive, or damages its image.
Framing or any other similar form of reproduction is specifically forbidden without prior written authorisation from the company.
Controller of personal data processing
Block nutrition srl is the controller of personal data processing from access and use of the website.
For more detailed information on how the website is managed and how the data of users visiting it is processed, please consult the “privacy policy”